Saturday, 28 May 2016

You're worth it.!

Remember that note you wrote me and offered me one morning when I was sad.
When we discovered how intoxicating is the love we share.
I still have it. It’s crumbled and loved,
Smiles at me at from the head of my dresser as if to say “You’re enough”
I can still picture you when you came to me through the corridors and offered me that note with a huge huge smile on your face. I was upset and had no idea what it was. As you never did this before for me. Those words pierced my heart serenading my sadness to sleep.
For years I’ve been slowly becoming the person you deserve, evolving from everything that kept me up all those night, and sleeping the best in your arms.
And I think I would love to keep trying to be deserving enough to have you.

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