Monday 23 May 2016

Collection of some best quotes.

  • I hold onto hope that maybe there's someone out there made for me.
But my heart is so tired and my lungs are so empty.

  •  She brings calm to violent storms, colours to grey skies, spark over a dull face.
    She is love in imperfections.

  • I love myself just enough to know that what you're giving me isn't love.

  • Everyday I walk down to my house, hoping I'll bump into you some day (fortunately), and you will see all those bandages in my hands and think, what's left of me since you left.!                                                                                                                                                                                        

  • Maybe you're searching under the branches,
    For what only appears in the root. 


Unknown said...

Good collection.. really gud quotes..feel that ur creativity hd flowd instantly whl u pen dwn these..gud flws of creativity

Unknown said...
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Prachi Singh said...

Thanks Abraham :)

Shantanu singh said...

awesome collction