Tuesday 21 November 2017

He left

He left the way he leaves
With bruised lips and
Sticky legs 
With regret in my bones 
And sorrow in my eyes
But still the body doesn't pains as much as the heart does.

Stand up again.

The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggles and found their way out of the depths.
The scars on their knees tells that they have fallen and the sparkle in their eyes tells that they have stood up again.
These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness and a deep loving concern..
Beautiful people do not just happen.

We are stories, still going

If you’re reading this, if there’s air in your lungs on this November day, then there is still hope for you. Your story is still going.
And maybe some things are true for all of us.
Perhaps we all relate to pain.
Perhaps we all relate to fear and loss and questions.
And perhaps we all deserve to be honest, all deserve whatever help we need.

Our stories are all so many things: 
Heavy and light,
Beautiful and difficult,
Hopeful and uncertain.

But our stories aren’t finished yet.
There is still time, for things to heal and change and grow.
There is still time to be surprised.
We are still going, you and I. We are stories still going. 

I sleep better

People say your sleep is evaded you when you're in love. 
But in my case I sleep normal..
I sleep better.
Because I know I have got my right man.. 💝
And he's doing right by me, even when my eyes are closed 

Friday 7 April 2017

Rhymes for Girls

Born wild,
but quickly caged,
her heart <3 was on fire,
and a war would be raged,
She would burn it all down and reset the stage,
because her crazy love longed to just turn that page <3 :)
My professor told me-
Every cell in our entire body is destroyed and replaced every seven years.
How comforting is it to know, that one day I will have a body you will have never touched!

Changes that bother the world

She transformed into a butterfly and all the caterpillars talked; not about her beauty but of her weirdness and wanted her to turn back to what she was.!
But she had wings <3

Friday 15 July 2016

Kashmir and it's struggle for Azadi.

When I read the section 370, it feels like Kashmir is an entirely different place, like it's not India. And what's most saddening is that any Pakistani can invade and claim the membership by just marrying a kashmiri girl.
So this is like inviting terrorists and hoping they won't create disturbances.
A girl can be brain washed, forced or fooled in false love to get married.
Just one single foolish mistake of a girl and you give these terrorists an entry ticket.
So all pakistani people who intend to do so, have an easy way in.!
One more thing that worries me are these two sides of the coin.
One is the relative side and other is the army men side.
Although the Kunan Pashora incident makes me doubtful about the army men but along with that, the attitude of kashmiri people is much more devastating.
Indian Army in Kashmir has always served India at it's best, mother earth has lost so many jawans in this fight of Kashmir.
A few weeks back I saw a post on a BJP India Facebook group where a man posted saying that- "Yes, we agree that Army men do rape in Kashmir and that is because when congress was in power, army men were treated like animals with no self respect, and since now BJP gave them power and some basic rights they were deprived of, now the army men do rapes out of frustration. (Frustration that they weren't given power when Congress ruled) Because the best way to take revenge from a mob of people who threw stones at them is to rape their women and that is why kunan pashora happened and it will keep on happening and BJP is proud of it"
This was what a bhakt has to say.
But then this is stupid. I'm not anti-bhakt.
Few of them are right, they have their facts checked. And I'm sure they don't support the statement above.
Well the man who gave this statement was completely wrong and mislead, BJP can never support this sick mentality but some senseless bhakts do support it.
I don't think army will kill innocents for nothing to gain.
Along with this AFSPA is not the solution.
There is something called circumstantial evidence. And the Army does not need to make any claim. They have the power to kill anyone.
But this is not going to get any solution. If you have to save lives, you have to make sure the Kashmiris stop listening to separatist bigots. (And letting in Pakistani people is the worst you can do for yourselves and for India as well)
Burhan's killing is really sad. Not because he was a hero or something, but because he was young and could have contributed in many other ways to the cause of Kashmiris.
When you pick up weapon in the name of Azadi that is based on religious bigotry, you lose credibility.
People call him Bhagat Singh of Kashmir. I am sorry, he is not even close.
I hope sanity returns to the Valley and Kashmiris use non-violent methods to ask for anything that they want.
I am not a Bhakt Nationalist who thinks Burhan must have been killed or that all protestors should be killed. But, the state will retaliate if someone uses violence.
This is why Gandhi was against violence and he got Independence for a much bigger piece of land against a much bigger and powerful state.
So, time for all youngsters to leave the path of stone pelting and participate in democracy to demand the removal of AFSPA first. Azadi, means a lot of things.
Kashmiri people say they face a lot but they should understand that stone pelting will only make things worst. If you're innocent, use the peaceful way out, I know it's easily said than done.
But in the conditions you're in, that's the best way out.
So, It's our will that which side of the coin we believe is right.

Saturday 28 May 2016

My Life

There has always been a sadness in me. A melancholy bleeding into everything I do.
Can you understand when I touch you, the darkness moves somewhere deep inside in me to shine a light I've never known before.


I have been at war with the mirror for as long as I can remember. The mirror tells me I'm not good enough.!! Tells me I should not wear those short dresses and advises me to wear dresses that cover those layers.! I have moments, moments when something doesn't fit right, moments when I hate touching my own skin, moments when I feel depressed looking at my own face. (Ugly) but I do not let them win. This is my body, my skin, my stretch marks, my scars and my curves. Some days I love them, some days I hate them and I think it's normal. But I'm reaching more and more for the moments of love. I may have lost many battles, I may have felt ugly last night. But I feel beautiful today and I intend to win the war this time  and It has become abundantly clear to me that self love is the only way to make it to the world that seeks to cut you, break you, bleed you, mould you. So just love yourself for the way you are. Tall, short, tan, pale, slim, fat whatever. And if there is something you dislike, you have the power to change it. But make sure it's for you and not for your mirror who says you're not good enough, for a guy who don't find you appealing or for your in laws who won't accept you for you look bad.
Change for yourself